Forgot user name or password of camera, what should i do next?

If you forget your login user name and password, recommend you reset  your camera as below,
For indoor cameras:
1) Keep the camera power on;
2) Find toothpick or something pointy to press the reset button (default position is on the bottom of the camera or nearby the antenna) about 15 seconds till the camera reboot, then release it;

3) After reset, it will restore to the default factory setting, the user is admin, password is admin

For outdoor cameras:
Please give a hard reset to the camera.
1) Keep the camera power on;
2) Press and hold the reset button (it is on the end of the reset line) for 15 seconds, then release.

3) After reset, it will restore to the default setting, the user is admin, password is admin

For part of the latest models with UID number cameras:

Please give a mandatory reset to the camera

1) If your outdoor camera happens to have no reset button,please download the IP camera Reset tool and manual for this link

2)Please well note,this method only applied for your camera and your local PC in the same router.


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Shenzhen EasyN Technology Co., Ltd

Add: Block C4, 3rd Industry Zone, Huangmabu, Xixiang, Bao'an, Shenzhen 518126 CHINA
